Where do I even begin for this week? Seriously I feel like I have had such a roller coaster of emotions for the entire week, but I have also seen how the Savior has helped me along with every step along the way. I have been thinking about my scripture on my missionary plaque a lot, and that is Philippians 4:13:
This scripture has never related so much to me as it has this week. I am grateful for the knowledge that I can do hard things, and as I rely on the Lord that he will help me through all the challenges that are set before me in my life, both mission life and life life.
So Monday is a good way to start out with what happened this week. Sister Datwyler and I got a ride from a member from Brookings to Grants Pass, which was about 2 and a half hours. It was really nice because I was able to email a little bit on my ipad but then I was still able to take a little nap along the way. And I should have taken pictures because that drive is seriously the most beautiful drive. It is a very windy road and most people get sick on it, but it just shows that Oregon truly is the most gorgeous state. Seriously though. So then once we got to Grants Pass Sister Datwyler and I got on to the transfer van, also known as the Space Ship. We road the van to Roseburg, and then to Eugene. It is always fun on transfer day because we see so many missionaries, when here in Brookings we literally see no one except the Elders who we serve with in the ward. So Sister Datwyler got off at Roseburg then I went to Eugene. Well when I finally got to Eugene I was just so excited to see Sister Nowell that I couldn't hold myself together. I found her companion and she told me that my mom, Sister Nowell, was inside emailing. SO of course I ran inside to find her. As I was running inside I saw my suitcase of clothing and literally had a feeling that I should pick that up, did I? No. I was too excited to see my mom! So as you could imagine Sister Nowell and I ran to each other and just chatted and chatted, I mean I had SO much to tell her. When finally she told me that we needed to go do a couple of more things before our Pday was over. We go outside to get my stuff and my bag is no where to be found. You could say I then started to panic. So I called Elder Danely, the Senior Elder who was driving the van, and he said that he had a bunch of bags that people left so to call the Assistants to the President to figure it out. So I called them and let them know, and tried to just calm myself. Well we found out that the other sister who was training also lost her bag. So the Assistants called us at about 8:30 pm and asked us what our bags looked like. We told them, then a few minutes later we got a call from my Zone Leaders in Coos Bay asking me if I had seen a grey samsonite suitcase, I told them no. That was my bag. We didn't hear back from the Assistants until 9:45 that night telling us that my bag was in NEWPORT! The furthest north west corner of the mission. Some how it got on a members car and made it there! So I went 24+ hours without any of my belongings. So I learned a few things from this experience:
1. Follow promptings
2. Be grateful for the things that I do have
3. It is a good thing that Sister Nowell and I are the same size in clothing.
So speaking of Sister Nowell, I love her so freaking much. It was hard to be with her this last week though because I felt like I was intruding. She and I get along so well and so it just felt like things were back to normal almost. Although it was hard because she just got a new companion for this transfer so I felt like I was intruding on their get to know you time. So I tried not to step on their toes. But time went by so fast with her. It was good to get some advice from her about beginning to train, and I really think that I learned a lot from her in that short period of time. Also it was just fun to be able to laugh with her again. She is an amazing missionary.
While I was in Eugene I spent a lot of time street contacting people, or OYMing (open your mouth) to people on campus at the University of Oregon (Go Ducks!). It was a lot of fun because this is something that I haven't been able to do a lot of on my mission. And it was interesting because we met a lot of interesting people while we were on campus. For example some one offered us weed, um no thank you? Eugene is such an interesting place with many different kinds of people. We did have dinner with a member one night and she actually made us little ornaments and gave us bags of chocolate, um YUM! It was fantastic!
While I was also in Eugene I was able to spend some time doing service at a local homeless shelter and that was just so cool. In Eugene they have to give their name and information but they feed them a Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner! So we were able to help with the preparation of dinner which was really awesome. So many people were so just grateful for the help that we were giving them, and it was just something that I had never done before. It reminded me of the Light the World Video with Christ and how he was able to help those around him, I truly felt like I was serving his people that day.
So on Wednesday night we had a Trainers Training for all those who were going to Train this transfer. And honestly it was a little stressful to say the least. I think I was so focused on other things that I hadn't really had time to stress out about training yet. But there were two Sisters coming in this transfer, one was a Chinese Sister (who doesn't speak very much english) and the other one was a sister from Utah. So you could say that I was just praying to have the companion Heavenly Father thought that I needed at this time. In the training they talked about how we will need to be the best examples that we could be. We read a talk that is entitled "Responsibilities of Shepherds" by James E Faust. And in this talk it tells of a story of when President Faust was younger and his father gave him a baby lamb. He loved that Lamb. He raised it from when it was a baby and then continued to care for it as best as he could. Then one night there was a storm and he heard his lamb crying out for help, but he didn't want to get out of bed. The next morning he found his baby lamb dead and his father told him, "Son, couldn't I trust you to take care of just one lamb?" This stuck with me a lot. How important it is to take care of Heavenly Fathers lambs here on this earth. And for me right now to take care of his lambs I need to take care of my trainee. That night I made a promise to myself and my companion to be the most obedient that we can be. And since I have made that promise I have seen so many blessings that are coming our way here in Brookings. Seriously they are endless. It is important for us as missionaries to remember who we are and who we are serving. And when we do that it makes all the difference. Funny side note, all of the Sisters and Elders who are training this transfer came out with me. And the day that we met our trainees was our 6 month mark! Weird to think that I have been out for 6 months! Time flies when you are serving the Lord!
So on Thursday I was able to meet my trainee!! My daughter!! We started out the day with coming together with all the missionaries serving in the Eugene valley and having breakfast, but we had a little bit of a dilemma. We were in a winter wonderland. But not snow, ICE. Everywhere. Trees were everywhere in the roads because the ice on the branches had just gotten to be too much and trees fell everywhere. So they had to postpone the meeting a little bit so that some of the Elders could go out and help people in the area. I was scared to walk under any of the trees. But when we finally got to the meeting we were able to eat breakfast and then practice a musical number for the new missionaries. It is a tradition to see the EFY medley for the incoming missionaries, the Army of Helaman song. It was so cool to be singing with about 50 missionaries. The program had us singing that song, then the trainers getting up and reciting our purpose, the first vision, the standard of truth(this is what I recited), D&C 4 and then a bearing of a testimony. We then were able to receive some counsel from President Russell. We were then able to meet our trainee! *drum roll please* my new companion is.... SISTER HEATON! She is seriously so cute, she is from Murray, Utah (my birth place and the mother ship), she just graduated from High School this last year, and she is just so prepared to be a missionary. I love her already!
We didn't get back to Brookings until about 7 o'clock at night, so Sister Heaton and I were able to go and visit some recent converts and kind of get her used to the area a bit. It has been so much fun just to see how she is doing with this whole adjustment thing. So far so good, she is just ready to get to work. I told her that maybe if we get like 5 people on date for Baptism that President Russell won't transfer me next transfer, so we are just going to be super obedient and just watch the blessing pour down on us. It will be AWESOME!
One exciting thing since we have been back in Brookings, I told Sister Heaton that our numbers probably wouldn't be the greatest this week because we were gone for a lot of it. Well on Friday we had been so busy with service and meetings and stuff that Sister HEaton and I just felt like that we hadn't done a lot of actual proselyting. So at 7:30 at night, we bundled up and prayed that we would be lead to some one that would listen to our message. And sure enough Sister Heaton and I found her first new investigator! And it was awesome! His name is Richard and we are going to be meeting with him this next week!
Everything is going good here in Brookings! It is starting to feel more and more like Christmas but I think that is because I am beginning to focus more and more about the true meaning for the season. I am so grateful for the example of the Savior that we have in our life and that we are able to share his light with the people of Brookings. Training a new missionary is going to be hard, but through Jesus Christ, I know that I CAN DO HARD THINGS! And that makes up all the difference for me.
To end my weekly email for this week I wanted to share the words to one of my favorite Christmas Hymns, it can be found on page 214, I Heard the Bells of Christmas Day:
1. I heard the bells on Christmas day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men.
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men.
2. I thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along th'unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good will to men.
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along th'unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good will to men.
3. And in despair I bowed my head:
"There is no peace on earth," I said,
"For hate is strong and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good will to men."
"There is no peace on earth," I said,
"For hate is strong and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good will to men."
4. Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
"God is not dead, nor doth he sleep;
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail,
With peace on earth, good will to men."
"God is not dead, nor doth he sleep;
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail,
With peace on earth, good will to men."
5. Till, ringing, singing, on its way,
The world revolved from night to day,
A voice, a chime, a chant sublime,
Of peace on earth, good will to men!
The world revolved from night to day,
A voice, a chime, a chant sublime,
Of peace on earth, good will to men!
I love in the 4th verse how it says "God is not dead, nor doth he sleep; The wrong shall fail, the right prevail, With peace on earth, good will to men." I know that God is there for us. And there is good out there, sometimes it can be really hard to see it but our Heavenly Father is just waiting for us to reach out to his this Christmas Season. I know that our Savior lives, and he loves all of us so much. And this Christmas season I hope that all will be able to come closer to time in one way or another.
I love you all and I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas!!
Love, Your Favorite Sister Missionary,
Sister Harrison 
"Remember who you are and who God expects you to become." --- Thomas S Monson
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