April 24, 2017
week has been a week FULL of Miracles! Seriously I think that last
transfer was the preparatory time that we needed to plant all of the
seeds and now is the time to harvest!
I will explain why my Subject line is the way it is. First, BASHERS,
this week Sister Roach and I went on splits to be able to contact some
less actives in the ward. When we got to the church we had heard of a
group of guys talking to one of the adults there for mutual. Well we
left on splits and came back and the group of young men was still there!
Apparently these guys are from a different church and they were going
around giving a "Spiritual Survey". Well basically the main leader of
this group has a reputation of bashing. When he was talking to us I was
reminded that he met with the Zone Leaders two transfers ago and I felt
very uneasy. We talked to them and it was a good conversation although I
could tell there could be a bashing experience in the future. Well we
called the Zone Leaders and we called some other Elders and apparently
this guy is CRAZY! He some how got information about Recent Converts and
goes to their houses to try and tell them that their testimony is
wrong, he has even been to the Stake Presidents house! And the other day
he had a conference for people to come and learn how to convert LDS
members. He is nuts. And we have a return appointment with him and his
friends next week! Don't worry, we already informed the Bishop and he
wants to meet with him and he doesn't want us to be there, but there are
crazy people out there non the less!
second part of my subject line includes, BAPTISM, WE PUT SOMEONE ON
DATE THIS WEEK!!!! So we have been meeting with John and Tyanne for
awhile now. And on Saturday
we went to go help Tyanne with some service, we were painting so I can
honestly say that this was my first time inviting someone to be baptized
in my service clothes. After we finished painting we were able to sit
down with her, and earlier that week we had invited her to baptism but
she said that she had already been baptized. But this day was different.
The Spirit was so strong and we started to talk about the Plan of
Salvation. I asked Tyanne if she wanted to live with her family forever
and literally we were all crying, and she said YES! We put her on date
for baptism right then for June 3rd! I am so excited for her!!!!
third part of my subject line has to do with BUGS. This week the sun
has been out and I actually got a gnarly tan line on my arms and on my
feet. Well because the sun has started to come out so have the BUGS. Ew.
I literally have 6 bug bites and I started to say that I had Zeeka
Virus.... it was a joke but seriously the bug bites keep appearing! I
think it is time to now pull out the bug spray. YAY for the sunny
So on Tuesday this week I got a text from one of the counselors in the Bishopric asking me to speak in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday.
Literally last Ward Council I had convinced him to ask Sister Roach to
speak. But then he asked me. Karma I guess! So I was able to speak in
Sacrament Meeting on Sunday on the First Vision, it was easy because that is something that I talk about every single day!
had an awkward moment yesterday at church. This lady from another ward
came up to us and said "Is that your car outside? You should probably go
and get it changed." So our license plate has 666 on it, she told us
that because our license plate has that, that we are losing
investigators. I honestly don't think anyone is really looking at our
license plate. But she told me that I need to call the church and get it
changed. But the actual thing is 666 GWY, so I look at it as GO AWAY.
So I think that it cancels it out. Let me know what you think!
amazing thing that happened this week is that we received so many
referrals from the members here! You know, not many of the people were
interested but it is so great to know that some of the people in the
ward are beginning to be interested in the work that we are doing. The
work is going strong and I am so excited to see the success!!!
This week has been one of the busiest week of my mission! On Saturday
Sister Roach and I didn't even have time to eat lunch. We were running
around like our heads were chopped off but in the end we were able to
find 10 new investigators and put one person on date! So many miracles
are going to be coming to the Klamath Falls 3rd Ward and I believe that
it is because of the obedience and the diligence that we as a
companionship will be giving. I can't wait to tell you about all of the
other miracles that will be coming in the weeks to follow!!!
my spiritual thought today I decided that I wanted to share a scripture
that is probably very familiar to everyone, that I was able to use in
my talk on the First Vision. Joseph Smith had been searching for the
truth and he knew not where to find it, during this time he recorded
these thoughts in Joseph Smith History, "In the midst of this war of
words and tumult of opinions, I often said to myself: What is to be
done? Who of all these parties are right; or, are they all wrong
together? If any one of them be right, which is it, and how shall I know
it?" I think a lot of us, even in the church, have to ask ourselves
some of these kinds of questions, how can I know the Book of Mormon is
true? How do I know if this church is true? Etc. But the way Joseph
Smith finds the answer to his prayer is the way that we should all
strive to find our answers, he was reading in the Bible in James
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men
liberally (meaning in large and generous amounts) , and upbraideth
(Meaning judge or condemn) not; and it shall be given him.
6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
know that our Heavenly Father is always trying to give us answers to
our prayers. And as we Read our Scriptures and say our prayers that the
answers will come. There have been so many times on my mission that I
have received answers to my prayers, and I know that as we do it with
real intent that our prayers will be answered!
you so much for all of your love and support back home. I am so
grateful for the opportunity that I have to serve my mission and to see
all of the miracles that Heavenly Father pours out on those who are
serving Him
️ I love you all and I hope that you all have such a great week
---Remember who you are and who God EXPECTS you to BECOME---
is the Altamont District here in the Klamath Falls Zone. Me, obviously,
Elder Falatea, Elder Miller, Elder Broshears, Elder Rawlings and the
We got to take a Thug Life picture, don't worry Sister Roach just looks like she is going to kill someone. She won't actually!
Love, Your Favorite Sister Missionary,
Love, Your Favorite Sister Missionary,
Sister Harrison
We look crazy, but thats okay, we had been in the car a lot that day! |
We got DQ Blizzards in order to celebrate our on DATE!
A member gave us left overs with alphabet soup in it! Soooo here is my name ❤️ |
Spoke in Sacrament ❤️ Love ya!!! |